Thursday, February 27, 2020

Will Run for President for Food

Why all these dismal Democrat offerings?

Democrat debate in Charleston, South Carolina, Tuesday (YouTube screenshot)

Will Run for President for Food - Ron Ross.American Spectator

The Democrats’ nomination saga has been pathetic. You may have detected a pattern developing over the many months. In the beginning there were more Democrat presidential candidates than anyone could keep track of. You couldn’t tell the players without a program. They had an embarrassment of riches and were nothing if not diverse — black, brown, white, Asian, male, female, gay, straight. They included both the oldest and youngest presidential candidates in U.S. history. What could possibly go wrong?

Predictably, excitement about each new candidate spiked. Then, inexorably, as their ranks dwindled, hope evaporated. One after another, as more was learned about the candidates, enthusiasm petered out. Now, with bodies of candidates strewn over the battlefield, the lineup’s initial diversity is history.

One by one they have been exposed as empty suits — no real accomplishments, no charisma, no likability.

Even the candidates still in the race have suffered from vetting. To know them is not to love them. They are a pitiful collection of losers.

The 24-hour news cycle pretends the battle still matters. The media have to promote as much drama and suspense as possible. As usual they behave more like fight promoters than reporters.

But no one in the remaining bevy of candidates has a prayer of defeating Donald Trump. Which of them “wins” the nomination makes not the slightest bit of difference. It’s just a question of which one ends up in Trump’s wood chipper.

How many times do the pundits have to be wrong about some loser being a winner? In their monomaniacal quest to unseat Trump, the Democrats have stooped to propping up dead donkeys. Ironically, their monomania is rational. For them the specter of another Trump term is even more horrific than catastrophic climate change. One term has already fried their brains, and another will drive them over the edge, just like Thelma and Louise.

To make matters worse, the Democrats’ monomania has prevented them from promoting what their party stands for. Like nature, politics abhors a vacuum. Into that vacuum have entered people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders. The Democrat Party has become pathologically socialist by default.

Meanwhile, the plethora of candidates and debates has befuddled the Democrats. Each successive debate gets uglier. So many debates cause overexposure. The rules about which candidates are eligible change arbitrarily. Democrats are known for falling in and out of love almost instantaneously. They have the attention spans of pubescent Valley girls.

After most of the debates even the mainstream media say that Trump was the real winner. If he wins without even being there, what’s going to happen when he’s there?


Thursday, February 13, 2020

Democrats Are Dying From Exposure And so are their chances in November.

The Democrat Party has turned hard left. By doing so, the party has unintentionally exposed itself. Ambiguity and obfuscation are the Democrats’ stock in trade. They distort words, and they abuse the English language. They use words and phrases that sound good but are impossible to define — for example, environmental justice, intergenerational justice, climate change, and sustainability.

Such deception is crucial for the party’s survival. But the deception has become harder to sustain.

More than anyone else, Donald Trump is responsible for exposing the Democrats. They detest him and his achievements so much that their judgment has been annihilated. With new clarity, their reactions say far more about themselves than him. He is causing them to take leave of their sanity.

They hate Trump so much that they can’t celebrate his accomplishments. They even demeaned the killing of an evil and savage terrorist, Qassem Soleimani. But their insane hatred has put them in a bind.

Donald Trump has set up camp inside their brains. They should not have let him do that. They will live to regret it.

The phrase “driven to distraction” applies to what’s happening to the Democrats. “Distraction” is defined variously as lack of concentration, confusion, extreme mental or emotional disturbance, frenzy, and madness.

Donald Trump distracts the Democrats from concealing what they are. That makes him a threat to everything they hold dear. His spirit alone scares the hell out of them. He’s the greatest menace they have ever faced.

One revealing jolt to what’s left of the Democrats’ masquerade occurred at the recent Golden Globe awards ceremonies. The emcee, comedian Ricky Gervais, told the attendees, in no uncertain terms, what an out-of-touch, self-important bunch of phonies they all are. He told them, “You’re in no position to lecture the public about anything. You know nothing about the real world.”

Gervais was only stating the obvious. It was an “emperor’s new clothes” moment if there ever was one.

Gervais’s observations were both brilliant and simple. They were so obviously true they were impossible to deny. He let the puffed-up Hollywood elites have it right between the eyes. Someone suggested recently that it may be comedians who rescue our culture.

Trump Derangement Syndrome has ensnared the Democrats. Even their misbegotten impeachment fiasco has morphed into one big exposé of themselves. All such frantic attempts to drive Donald Trump from office have only made him more popular. They are making fools of themselves, for all the world to see.

Who, upon seeing the Democrats clearly for what they are, can still support them?


Democrats Are Dying From Exposure February 13, 2020

Ron Ross Ph.D. is a former economics professor and author of The Unbeatable Market. Ron resides in Arcata, California and is a founder of Premier Financial Group, a wealth management firm located in Eureka, California. He is a native of Tulsa, Oklahoma and can be reached at

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